Do It Again on the Next Verse and People Will Think You Meant It

You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbour and hate your enemy.' But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you – Matthew five:43-44

Many people have their favorite verses in scripture. But I don't think I've e'er heard anyone quote this one every bit their favorite. After all, who really wants to do this, anyway? Love your friends, yes. Dearest the people who treat you nicely and respectfully, aye. Love your enemies? We might be thinking...maybe we demand to check the original Greek to brand sure this is what Jesus really meant. The word here used denotes moral love, as distinguished from the other word, which expresses personal affection. Usually, the quondam denotes "self-approbation in the graphic symbol" of the person loved; but "love your enemies" here it denotes the benignant, compassionate outgoings of want for another'southward good. (Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Bible) We must have a compassion for them, and a adept will toward them.

I tin can assure you this is what Jesus really meant. And those words are just as true today as they have ever been. Has there always been a time in our society where nosotros needed to put this into practice more than we need to now?

If it's truly your desire to be similar Jesus, this is what it will take.

So I want to encourage you today. I'k going to share with you three real-world ways to beloved your enemies.

Forgive One Another, love your enemies Photo Credit: ©BethanyPyle

Two Major Principles of How to Love Your Enemies

Earlier nosotros look at the real-world ways to love your enemies, I want to share ii major points first because without these it will never happen

1. Loving your enemies starts on the Inside

Before you lot can show any outward display of loving your enemies there must first be an in transformation. In other words, if you lot tin't love someone who is against you, the trouble is considering of what is inside you. The other person is not the problem.

For many years, I struggled to forgive my male parent. The problem wasn't him, the problem was inside me. I know that is a tough pill to eat simply information technology is a necessary one if nosotros're ever going to actually, truly love our enemies.

When you lot reflect on Jesus' life and character, he demonstrated how much he loved those who were against him. Think when he was on the cross, he said:

..."Male parent, forgive them, for they do non know what they are doing." – Luke 23:34

This tin only flow from a heart that has been transformed by the love of God and the ability of the Holy Spirit. Merely then you lot know, information technology's not just something that Jesus did—you can exercise information technology, too. Permit me remind you lot of Stephen. Here is how the Bible described him:

Now Stephen, a man total of God'due south grace and ability, performed peachy wonders and signs among the people. – Acts 6:8

If you are familiar with his story, eventually he was stoned to death for preaching the truth to the Sanhedrin. You can read the whole story in Acts 7. I need to focus your attention on the end of the story (sorry for the spoiler alert if you never read it):

While they were stoning him, Stephen prayed, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit." Then he fell on his knees and cried out, "Lord, practise not concord this sin confronting them." When he had said this, he fell asleep. – Acts 7:59-sixty

Why was Stephen able to do this? Because he was a man full of the Holy Spirit. His life had been transformed on the inside. If there e'er was a real-world way to honey your enemies on brandish, this was it. The proficient news is, if Stephen could do information technology, then can you. He is no different than any of us.

2. Exist First to Forgive

The second major principle can only happen after God has inverse your heart. One time he has done that this becomes a trivial easier. Here it is…be first. What does that mean? Exist the first to offer forgiveness, before someone fifty-fifty asks for it.

Be the start to show honey, even when y'all feel similar they don't deserve it. Be first to testify kindness even if the person is not very nice.

Why do you need to practise this? Because this is what Jesus did and past doing this you truly reverberate his character. Consider his words:

If y'all honey those who dear you, what advantage will you lot get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you lot doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? – Matthew v:46-47

The reality is that when you display this type of beloved to your enemies, you lot are showing them Jesus. You are showing that y'all are unlike than the world. And that, my friends, is what existence salt and low-cal are all about.

bless and pray for enemies Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/Suze777

How to Beloved Your Enemies (Fifty-fifty Beyond Political Carve up)

It'due south sad that I take to fifty-fifty include politics in an commodity about loving your enemies just I must speak the truth. Every bit Christians, nosotros have really made a mess of our witness and testimony when yous consider the political arena.

Not because you have a political viewpoint, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. The problem is we don't allow someone else to have a dissimilar viewpoint. A different political view has been made the equivalent of a annunciation of war.

Information technology's like we have pledged allegiance to a donkey or an elephant and have somehow left the cross backside. By the style, if you're not from America, those are the symbols of the two biggest political parties in our country.

If you really want to testify the love of Christ, stop letting political differences divide you. Recognize that we as Christians are united under the cross and when it is all said and washed there volition simply be ane King of Kings and ane Lord of Lords. And I hope you lot, he volition not exist sitting in any political office.

I hope that wasn't too "soapboxy" but if it was, I pray you hear my heart and we don't become enemies. Considering if we do, y'all still take to dearest me anyway. As I volition yous. With that said, let'southward expect at three real-world ways to love your enemies.

i. Forgive Those Who Have Injure You

This is spiritual and applied. Forgive if you accept been hurt by anyone. If someone has spoken ill against you. If someone has done anything to bring impairment to your character, your family unit, or you...then you lot must forgive them.

Forgiveness is not for that person; it is for you. Loving and forgiving your enemies actually frees you lot. In that location is another reason though:

For if yous forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father volition besides forgive y'all. But if y'all do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins. – Matthew v:46-47

Wait a second, did you read that correctly? Yes, you did. The forgiveness you receive is tied to the forgiveness you give. (God's words not mine.) If you're going to get to the other real-world means to love your enemies you accept to forgive them or yous tin't get to the next steps because they won't be genuine.

two. Flip the Script and Respond with Kindness

Honestly, there are some people who just won't be very overnice or kind to you. When you come up in contact with these people and they bear witness you hate, you lot respond with dearest and kindness. A good rule of thumb is to but follow what the Bible says:

Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be conscientious to do what is correct in the eyes of anybody. – Romans 12:17

On the contrary: "If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, requite him something to drink. In doing this, you lot volition heap called-for coals on his caput." Do not be overcome past evil, but overcome evil with good. – Romans 12:twenty-21

Permit me give yous a few real-world examples. Try some of these things and it may grab people off-guard and could leave them wondering almost the source of your kindness.

To the annoying co-worker (y'all know the i I am talking about) when you're going out to buy lunch, enquire them if they would like annihilation, and buy information technology for them, your treat.

Here's another thought, when their birthday comes around, give them a birthday card. Don't send an e-mail—actually go to the store and purchase one.

The point here is that regardless of who that enemy is...y'all must respond differently than they expect and, more than importantly, than what you really desire. This is what information technology means to flip the script. I know you really want to tell them "the truth" but that's not always how it works.

Ultimately, remember we represent Christ. And if you actually "give it to 'em," that can hurt your witness. Sometimes it takes a long time to recover your witness later that—and some never practise.

three. Pray for Those Who Persecute You

The second function of loving your enemies is praying for those who persecute you. At present, y'all might be proverb: information technology'due south bad plenty Jesus says I accept to love I have to pray for them, besides? Are you absolutely certain your Greek translation is right? Again, the answer is yes. Here's why. There is a higher purpose.

What Jesus displayed on the cross.

What Stephen displayed when he was existence stoned.

They were more concerned about the eternal than the temporary. If y'all will recall that everyone who persecutes you has an eternal destination waiting for them, you will pray for them. Past the manner, don't pray for God to become them; pray for grace to dearest them, forgive them, and evidence kindness to them. Yous never know, if they don't know Jesus, your kindness may win them over. It could also mean they will never reciprocate or reply, simply y'all tin't control that. Merely don't worry—God will eventually deal with them. Just practise your part:

If information technology is possible, as far every bit it depends on you, live at peace with anybody. – Romans 12:eighteen


When it comes to real-globe ways to dear your enemies it will take some thought, some work, and a whole lot of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God working in y'all is what will crusade y'all to react the way God wants you to, and not just follow what you want to do.

This may never change the way people treat you; afterwards all, people did nail Jesus to a cross, but your conscience will be clear. Near importantly, y'all volition bring honour and glory to God in the process. At the end of the day...that'due south what matters most anyway.

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/Prostock-Studio

Clarence L. Haynes a speaker, Bible teacher, and co-founder of The Bible Written report Club.  He is the author of The Pursuit of Purpose which will assistance yous empathise how God leads you into his will. He has also simply released his new book The Pursuit of Victory: How To Conquer Your Greatest Challenges and Win In Your Christian Life. Do you want to become deeper in your walk with the Lord but can't seem to overcome the stuff that keeps getting in the way? This book volition teach you how to put the pieces together so you lot tin can live a victorious Christian life and finally become the man or woman of God that you truly desire to be. To learn more about his ministry please visit

This article is part of our larger resource library of popular Bible verse phrases and quotes. We want to provide easy to read articles that answer your questions almost the pregnant, origin, and history of specific verses within Scripture's context. It is our hope that these will help you better understand the pregnant and purpose of God's Word in relation to your life today.

"Be Even so and Know that I Am God"
"Pray Without Ceasing"
"Fearfully and Wonderfully Made"
"All Things Work Together for Skilful"
"Exercise Not Fearfulness"


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